At its core, the Archaeological Museum is a teaching collection meant to be used for interdisciplinary learning. Each semester, our space is used for class lectures and specialized course visits, as well as for more in-depth research projects and class exhibitions.
The projects featured on this page highlight some of the exciting collaborative work that took place within the context of classes taught at the museum. Please click on any image for more information.
Text for class projects can go here, if there is any. Copy for position only. Our Object Stories page highlights some of the recent research completed on objects in the Archaeological Museum. Some of these stories were generated through courses specifically designed to research artifacts already on view, while other stories describe ongoing and recent museum projects involving the display and long term stabilization of the museum collection. Please click on any image for more information. Some of these stories were generated through courses specifically designed to research artifacts already on view, while other stories describe ongoing and recent museum projects involving the display and long term stabilization of the museum collection.