Latin Funerary Inscriptions | Epitaphs for Women
Flavia Salvia
By Elisabeth Campbell

Accession Number: JHAM 66 (Wilson 78 )
Measurements: Height: 14 cm, Width: 44 cm, Thickness: 4 cm
Material: Marble
Date/Culture: Roman, 1st century CE
Provenance: Rome, Italy
Measurements: Height: 14 cm, Width: 44 cm, Thickness: 4 cm
Material: Marble
Date/Culture: Roman, 1st century CE
Provenance: Rome, Italy
“Niche II
Flavia Salvia, freedwoman of Decimus.
Decimus Flavius Barnaeus, freedman of Decimus,
gives this niche and inscription to the patron from his own money.”
This inscription labeled a burial niche in a columbarium. Flavia Salvia was a freedwoman of a man named Decimus. Her burial niche was paid for by a fellow freedman named Flavius Decimus Barnaeus. The inscription was found in Rome and is dated to the first century CE.
H.L. Wilson, “Latin Inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University VI,” American Journal of Philology 32 (1911), 166-187, 183-4.
The inscription is described in the US Epigraphy Project hosted by Brown University.