The Roman House at Hopkins | Everyday Dining: Terra Sigillata
Select Bibliography
By Laura Garofalo
Brown, A. C. 1968. Catalogue of Italian Terra-Sigillata in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Chase, G. H. 1975. Catalogue of Arretine Pottery. Cambridge, MA: Copy Quick Corp. Reprint of 1916 ed., published by Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
Hartley, B. R. and B. M. Dickinson. 2008-2012. Names on Terra Sigillata: An Index of Makers’ Stamps & Signatures on Gallo-Roman Terra Sigillata (Samian Ware). 9 vol. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.
Knorr, R. 1912. Südgallische terrasigillata-gefässe von Rottweil. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
Marabini Moevs, M. T. 2006. Cosa: The Italian Sigillata. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Oswald, F. 1937. Index of Figure-Types on Terra Sigillata. London: Gregg Press.
Oswald, F., Pryce, T. D., and Simpson, G. 1966. An Introduction to the Study of Terra Sigillata. Farnborough: Gregg Press.
Oxe, A. and H. Comfort. 2000. Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum: A Catalogue of the Signatures, Shapes, and Chronology of Italian Sigillata. 2nd ed. Bonn: Habelt.
Peacock, D.P.S. 1982. Pottery in the Roman World: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach. London: Longman.
Peña, J. T. 2007. Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Poblome, J., et al., eds. 2004. Early Italian Sigillata: The Chronological Framework and Trade Patterns: Proceedings of the First International ROCT-Congress, Leuven, May 7 and 8, 1999. Leuven: Peeters.
Robinson, D.M., ed. 1936. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: United States of America, The Robinson Collection, Baltimore, MD. 3 vol. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rogers, G. B. 1974. Poteries Sigillées de la Gaule Centrale. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Stanfield, J.A. 1958. Central Gaulish Potters. London: Oxford University Press.
Walters, H. B. 1908. Catalogue of the Roman Pottery in the Departments of Antiquities, British Museum. London: William Clowes and Sons, Ltd.
Webster, P. 1984. Roman Samian Ware. 2nd ed. Cardiff: Dept. of Extra-Mural Studies, University College.