Recreating Ancient Greek Ceramics

Many generous and thoughtful individuals offered their enthusiasm, expertise and assistance throughout this course. From contributing to the class syllabus to participating either virtually or in person, these many people made this course incredibly rewarding and eye-opening. We could not have attempted this class without their generosity, knowledge and encouragement.
Student participants/apprentices:
With thanks to all the Johns Hopkins University undergraduates who gave so much to this course: Lauren Aldoroty, Madelena Brancati, Hana Chop, Dane Clark, Savannah de Montesquiou, Ashley Fallon, Haley Huang, Kelly McBride, Gianna Puzzo, Travis Schmauss, Anna Soifer, Elizabeth Winkelhoff, and Arthur Zhang
Advisors, Researchers, Speakers, and Supporters:
So many people contributed to the success of this course in a myriad of ways. Thanks are due to Camilla Ascher, Paula Artal-Isbrand, Ross Brendle, Ilaria Cianchetta, Kate Gallagher, Eleni Hasaki, Mary Louise Healy, Matthew Hyleck, Lisa C. Kahn, Rachel LaBozetta, Kathleen Lynch, Jeffrey Maish, Nancy Odegaard, Elizabeth Rodini, Philip Sapirstein, David Saunders, Joel Schildbach, Toby Schreiber, H. Alan Shapiro, Vladimir Stissi, Marie Svoboda, Marc S. Walton, Yvonne Wild, and John Wissinger.

Financial and Administrative Support:
This course would not have been possible without the support of the Program in Museums and Society at the Johns Hopkins University and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Filmmakers, Photographers and Media Specialists:
We are grateful for the expertise of all of these professionals for making us look and sound as good as (or frankly far better than) we hoped: Michele Alexander, Maxwell Anderson, Daniel Contaldo, Will Kirk, Daniela Mileykovsky, Allen Moore, James T. VanRensselaer, and Bernadette Wegenstein.