The Roman House at Hopkins | Creating Comfort: Furnishing Textiles in Roman Domestic Spaces

Select Bibliography

By Betsy Bevis

Bénazeth, D. 2006. “From Thais to Thaias: Reconsidering Her Burial in Antinoopolis (Egypt).” In Textiles in Situ: Their Find Spots in Egypt and Neighboring Countries in the First Millennium CE, Riggisberger Berichte 13, edited by S. Schrenk, 69-83. Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung.

Carroll, D. 1988. Looms and Textiles of the Copts: First Millennium Egyptian Textiles in the Carl Austin Rietz Collection of the California Academy of Sciences. Seattle: California Academy of Sciences and Washington University Press.

Cortopassi, R. 2007. “Late Roman and Byzantine Linen Tunics in the Louvre Museum.” In Ancient Textiles: Production Craft and Society, edited by C. Gillis and M.-L. Nosch, 139-142. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Jenkins, D. ed. 2003. The Cambridge History of Western Textiles Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Maguire, E. et al. 1999. Weavings from Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic Egypt: The Rich Life and the Dance. Champaign, IL: Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Musée Dobrée. 2001. Au Fil du Nil: Coleurs du l’Egypt Chrétienne. Nantes: Musée Dobrée.

Rutschowscaya, M-H. 1990. Coptic Fabrics. Translated by A. Stephenson, S. Ashcroft, et al. Paris: Editions Adam Biro.

Schrenk, S. ed. 2006. Textiles in Situ: Their Find Spots in Egypt and Neighboring Countries in the First Millennium CE. Riggisberger Berichte 13. Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung.

Schrenk, S. and R. Knaller. 2004. Textilien des Mittelmeerraumes aus spätantiker bis früislamischer Zeit. Textilsammlung der Abegg-Stiftung 4. Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung.

Seiler-Baldinger, A. 1994. Textiles: A Classification of Techniques. Bathurst: Crawford House Press.

Stauffer, A., M. Hill, H. Evans, and D. Walker. 1995. The Textiles of Late Antiquity. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Thomas, T. 1990. Textiles from Medieval Egypt: AD 300-1300. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

— 2006. “Reevaluating the Textiles from Karanis.” In Textiles in Situ: Their Find Spots in Egypt and Neighboring Countries in the First Millennium CE, Riggisberger Berichte 13, edited by S. Schrenk, 135-148. Riggisberg: Abegg-Stiftung.