The Roman House at Hopkins | Everyday Dining: Glass Vessels
Bowl with Ribbed Handles
By Nicole Berlin

Accession Number: JHAM HT 232
Measurements: Diameter: 11cm, Height: 3.5cm
Material: Glass
Culture/Date: Roman, 1st-2nd c. CE
Provenance: Eastern Mediterranean
Measurements: Diameter: 11cm, Height: 3.5cm
Material: Glass
Culture/Date: Roman, 1st-2nd c. CE
Provenance: Eastern Mediterranean
This transparent blue-green bowl is hemispherical in shape and sits on a tubular foot ring. The vessel has two “grip” handles, each of which was applied as a trail of glass then tooled to form ribbing. Bowls of this type are found throughout the Mediterranean Roman provinces, from Knossos (Crete) to Israel and even Algeria.

View of the interior. JHAM HT 232
Isings form 43. Cf. Corning Museum 79.1.242 and Louvre AM 1643