The Roman House at Hopkins | Everyday Dining: Glass Vessels
Jar with Openwork “Collar”
By Nicole Berlin

Accession Number: JHAM HT 127
Measurements: Width: 5.5m, Height: 5.6cm
Material: Glass
Culture/Date: Roman, 3rd-4th c. CE
Provenance: Syrio-Palestinian
Measurements: Width: 5.5m, Height: 5.6cm
Material: Glass
Culture/Date: Roman, 3rd-4th c. CE
Provenance: Syrio-Palestinian
This transparent green jar is globular in shape with a rounded lip, short neck and concave base. A continuous horizontal zigzag trail forms an openwork “collar” and connects the rim to the shoulder of the vessel. Similar examples have been found at Karanis (Egypt), Homs (Syria), and Beth She’arim (Israel).

Side views. JHAM HT 127
Corning Museum 53.1.6 and Israel Museum 77.12.116.